La banda de hermanas, HAIM, estrenó su propia versión no idéntica del tema tradicional Hallelujah, la cual formará parte del disco de celebración de Hanukkah en el que participarán múltiples artistas.

Esta canción interpretada por HAIM está dedicada a todos los familiares que han apoyado a personas que poseen enfermedades crónicas y que están allí en su día a día, eso fue publicado en su cuenta de Instagram con una foto de ellas pequeñas. 


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our new song hallelujah comes out tomorrow. to me it’s a song about relying on the people around you and reflecting on how different life could be if those people weren’t around. i wrote my verse a few days after i’d gotten some pretty terrible news from my endocrinologist. around that time i wasn't paying attention to my health and ignoring warning signs of a bigger issue than just my type 1 diabetes. it’s an easy trap to fall into. Some diabetics go through what doctors call “diabetic burnout” where the patient essentially stops taking care of themselves because it becomes too stressful, too time consuming, too frustrating to deal with day in and day out. at the time i was feeling like type 1 diabetes was a 24 hour job that i wasn’t allowed to clock out of. i came home from the doctor super upset and frustrated and the only two people i felt comfortable enough to talk about it with were danielle and alana. sometimes it feels like they’re the only two people that truly understand me and support me when i feel like giving up. they’ve been with me everyday supporting me and cheering me on since i was diagnosed at 14 years old. and i don’t know what i would do without them always reminding me when my blood sugar is taking it’s toll on me that i’m “more than my highs and my lows, you got this E”. this song is for anyone struggling with chronic illness and the people around us who we truly rely on for help and guidance.

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La bajista de la banda comentó que la idea vino de que llegó del médico frustrada y entristecida y que las dos únicas personas en el mundo con las que se pudo sentir bien y cómoda hablando fue con sus hermanas.

Aquí puedes chequear el nuevo tema de HAIM y su videoclip dirigido por Paul Thomas Anderson: