La cantante canadiense tomó su cuenta de Instagram y dejó un mensaje largo a sus fans sobre que, posiblemente, tenga el virus chino.

Ella comenta, ‘Tengo un alto riesgo de tener C-19 porque estuve en París, Berlin y Londres menos de hace dos semanas. Es posible que tenga los síntomas del virus hace unos días’.

También reveló muy preocupada que ha llamado a diversos doctores y clínicas en Los Angeles y nadie le ha dado una respuesta favorable con respecto a su condición.

‘Nadie me dice cómo hacerme la prueba y otros me dicen que vaya a emergencias, lo cual pienso es una opción peligrosa para alguien quien posiblemente/crea tener los síntomas’, agregó.

Por último, Allie X deja un mensaje de reflexión, ‘Esta es una situación humana que requiere compasión humana. Mi recomendación: manténganse conectados, tengan compasión y sean responsables con otros lo más que puedan ser. Esto significa mantener la calma, quedarse en casa y mantenerse en el corazón de otros’.

La cantante comenzaría su tour Cape God el 22 de marzo en San Diego, California, sin embargo, a causa del coronavirus, su gira fue pospuesta. Por ahora, su tour europeo sigue en pie ya que da inicio el 25 de mayo.

Ver esta publicación en Instagram

Hello everyone. I am high risk for C-19 as I was just in Paris, Berlin and London less then 2 weeks ago. I have possible symptoms of the virus in the last few days. I have spoken to a tele-health doc, my insurance, public health LA county, primary doc, another doc, and NO ONE can tell me how to get tested other then showing up at the ER which is a dangerous option for someone who has questionable/mild symptoms. Every person I speak to gives me another number to call. If Los Angeles is any indication of the state of preparation in the US, the government should be ashamed. The disorganization and lack of answers/resources is astounding. I am sure countless other Americans are in the same boat. Am I someone who may be effected seriously by the virus? Probably not, though I have taken immune suppressants on and off in my lifetime. At the moment I am strong and think I would probably get through it like a healthy person my age. However to me, my personal risk is not the most upsetting thing about the lack of testing. It’s that all the DATA we are seeing is incorrect. We are currently in a crisis that is unquantifiable. Without data scientists and doctors are not able to do their jobs properly. And that is very troubling. The government has a responsibility to keep the country from panicking. However, I am sick of @realdonaldtrump patting himself and his administration on the back when this situation is clearly out of control. All this said, we do have to follow the advice of the government and health care officials. It’s the most organized and unified approach. I just wish there could be more honesty. This is a human situation that requires human compassion. My recommendation : being as connected, compassionate and responsible to each other as we can possibly be. This means staying calm, staying home and staying in each other’s hearts. I love you ❤️

Una publicación compartida por allie x (@alliex) el